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Anchor 4

Plant Anatomy

Anchor 1

Monocot Root

Anchor 2

Dicot Stem

Monocot Stem

Monocot Stem

vascular bundle ("monkey face")

Secondary Growth

stem (trunk)

Anchor 3

Dicot leaf (c.s.)

Monocot leaf (c.s.)

Grocery Store Botany
Anchor 5

Above left: Purple onion (l.s.)- The onion is a "bulb", and is a good example of a modified, underground stem with very short internodes. The part of the onion we eat is comprised of fleshy modified leaves.


Above Right: Cabbage (l.s.)- Cabbage is another example of a modified stem with short internodes. 


Left: Radish- an example of a tap root modified for storage.

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